
Catalog Shopper’s Buying Habits

According to a Mail Print Blog, over 20 Billion catalogs are mailed annually and make up for ten percent of the USPS mail volume.  Today we’re going to share with you, who reads them, who buys from them and who keeps them around to use as a reference.

Just the facts:

– 17 percent of B2C catalogs are used by the recipient to make a purchase directly from the catalogue.

– An additional 20-50 percent of the people who receive catalogues make brand searches and purchase a product online because of the catalog.

– The “Baby Boomer” generation makes up the majority of people who purchase directly from a catalog.  However, during the holiday season, this demographic shifts, to incorporate a larger age-range.

– Almost half of the people who receive catalogs appreciate receiving them and ‘want to continue to receive more.’

– One in 7 of consumers who receive catalogs would be willing to pay to receive the catalog.

– The average amount of money catalog shoppers spend on catalog products annually is $850.

Print is powerful.  It not only offers a channel for consumers to give a direct response, but it also directs people to your other communication channels, such as your website, where many choose to make a purchase.

There is power in print.

Timothy Freeman
Print & Graphic Communications Association


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