
The Benefits of Direct Mail & Interactive Print

One of the benefits of direct mail marketing is in its ability to pinpoint a specific segment of your target audience.  To do this properly, it is important to have a relevant and up-to-date database that includes the demographics and interests of your target audience.

Your database information can be collected through past campaigns, consumer surveys, social media — any past interaction that’s been recorded between you and your customer.  To utilize a database to enhance a direct mail campaign, it must be analyzed then divided into smaller groups of people with similar likes.  You are able to build a stronger message by understanding what makes your audience motivated to purchase or respond to your call to action.  With a targeted message you are able to decrease your overall costs and increase your return on investments.

In addition to direct mail’s ability to be personalized and targeted, it can also be extremely engaging when you combine new technologies such as QR codes and pURLs with the power of print.  On average, over 85 percent of the people who receive your mailing take the time to scan or read the message and digital media has a high engagement rate amongst users — making the two mediums great partners.

By combing the two together with the use of pURLs and QR codes you are able to reap the benefits of both marketing tools.  Just as you used the demographics of your database to produce a printed message, the same should be done for your digital message.  Whether your digital message is a discount, a video, a contact page or anything in between, it should be directly related to what your target audience is most interested in.

Finally, direct mail enables you to measure your campaign’s success. Using interactive print not only continues to engage your audience, it also creates another channel of measurement.  It enables you to collect more information on your audience and develop stronger leads based on the information you receive.

Timothy Freeman
Print & Graphic Communications Association


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