
USPS Power of Print Video

In a recent article (see article 13) regarding the United States Postal Reform we discussed the changes that Congress are proposing to secure the future of the USPS.  Today, we wanted to share a video with you that is brought to you by the USPS regarding the importance of paper in marketing, business and daily life.

The video stresses the value of trustworthiness that people place in paper – you don’t need to fear a virus or hacker will manipulate or erase your important files.  In recent studies, a printed medium, newspaper, was listed as the most trustworthy form of communication; with forms of digital communications, email and online ads, as some of the least trustworthy channels of communication.

Print and paper will continue to be powerful communication tools.  As digital media grows, the print and paper industry evolve with it – from QR codes, to pURLs, to variable data printing, the print industry continues to be an integral part of our communication mix.

To view the video, click they play button below.


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