
Why Choose Print?

At one-to-one Marketing study found that personalization offered the brand an average of a 36 percent higher response rate and increased overall profits by 31.6 percent.  Furthermore, the speed of the recipient’s responses were also increased by almost 34 percent.

The study also showed that 67 percent of people remember a message, and the brand name associated with that message, after just one encounter with a printed piece. Additionally, print also drives a consumer to take action, as over 60 percent of online brand searches are influenced by a printed form of communication.

Finally, personalized print messages allow for open communication with an audience and build stronger bonds between a brand and its customer.  By building and maintaining these relationships you’ll ultimately see higher response rates and an increase in a campaign’s return on investments.

Ultimately, using a combination of print and digital communication with your target audience will prove to be most effective as it enables a brand to increase its reach and frequency.  Through Quick Response codes and personalized URLs, you’re able to connect your target audience swiftly from your printed message to your digital communication.

Timothy Freeman
Print & Graphic Communications Association


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