
Why Use Interactive Direct Mail?

Including technology such as QR codes on your direct mailing allow for a multitude of benefits to both you as the marketer and your consumer.  The 2D code allows the consumer to obtain additional product or brand information, coupons and discounts instantly simply by scanning the code and you’re able to track how many people scan and how long people spend with your digital content.  By doing so, you’re able build your database to produce relevant future branded messages to your target audience.

Utilizing interactive direct mail also increases the amount of time your audience spends with your brand’s message and content.  In fact, a Print in the Mix study shows that one in five consumers who scan a QR code ultimately make a purchase via the mobile landing page.  But, it is also important to understand that QR codes can offer more than just an avenue for a consumer to make a purchase.  They can be used by the consumer to sign up for emails and receive more information about your brand — allowing you the opportunity to increase the amount of touch points your message has with your target audience.

It is important to include other technology such as pURLs on your direct mail as well.  Personalized landing pages allow you to include relevant information for each segment of your target audience, by doing so, you’re able to not only increase engagement, but also increase your response rate and return on investments.

Timothy Freeman
Print & Graphic Communications Association


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