
Why Use Personalized Marketing?

Personalization in marketing should be used to create both print and digital media messages.  Because digital messages have to battle to be seen in the mass of digital clutter, it is more important than ever to include relevant content when you communicate via email, social media or even via mobile marketing.

The Capegemini Group released a study that showed 60 percent of people felt that it was appealing when a brand’s online purchasing center remembered who they were and what they’ve purchase in the past.

The study also showed that 68% of marketers reported personalized communication based on their consumers’ behavioral data had a high impact on overall ROI and 74% say it has a high impact on consumer engagement. But only 19% use personalization tactics.

One final benefit of using personalization is conversion.  Not only are engagement and response rates higher, but the amount of people who convert to paying customers also increases because the relevant messages bring in consumers who are more likely to become a customer of your brand’s product or service.

While personalized marketing may take a little more time and effort, it’s proven time after time that it’s worth the extra effort.

Timothy Freeman 


Print & Graphic Communications Association


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