
A Common Sales Disease

By Bill Farquharson, Sales Vault

Overworked, no time sell, feverish from all the running around. Those are the symptoms Bill Farquharson had this past week. Summer cold? COVID? No and no. It was something else and you might have it, too. Find out more and learn the cure in this week” Short Attention Span Sales Tip.

Good morning!

As you can hear in my voice, I am a little under the weather.

I’m over-tired, a little fevered, and buried in work.

It started on Monday and it’s gotten worse as the week is going on. It’s Friday now as a record this and I am finally on the mend.

Summer cold? No.

Allergies? No.


It’s CSR Disease.

That’s right. This is a common issue with sales people like me who feel they have to mother a job through the system instead of relying on other team members.

We feel we need to stay involved.

We think, “It’ll take more time to explain what needs doing than just doing it myself.”

We believe we do it better than anyone else could.

These are common symptoms, so if they sound familiar, listen up.

Sales people are most efficient when they hand off the job to Production and then get back on the hunt. Maximizing customer face time will boast sales. This is not to say they completely wash their hands once the order is entered, but it’s pretty close to that.

Think about it: if a client has a question they call you and you call your CSR. After a little telephone tag, you finally speak. The CSR looks into the issue and calls you with the answer. However now it’s your turn to be busy. More telephone tag. Finally, you call the customer who is—you guessed it—busy.

Why not cut yourself out of the equation and just let the client call the CSR directly?

The cure for CSR disease is twofold: communication and trust. Combining those two is your best bet in beating this efficiency-killing malady.

Make sure your CSR has all the information necessary. Be complete in the details. Then, trust him or her to take care of your orders.

You’ll be back on your feet and out there selling more in no time!


It’s ideas like these that make up The Sales Vault. PGCA members receive a discount on this monthly subscription.  Visit or contact Bill Farquharson at 781-934-7036 or
