
Category: People

Eight No’s and a Yes

By Bill Farquharson, Sales Vault. Read Bill’s tip below or watch Bill here. Good morning! The road to “yes” is paved with “no.” Getting that appointment, you

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Summer Sales Plan

By Bill Farquharson, Sales Vault. Read Bill’s tip below or watch Bill here. Good morning! Well, here we are: The week that includes the Fourth of July.

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Origin Story

By Bill Farquharson, Sales Vault. Read Bill’s tip below or watch Bill here. Good morning! Every day, I read The New York Times and the Wall Street

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Chameleon Sales

By Bill Farquharson, Sales Vault. Read Bill’s tip below or watch Bill here. Good morning! “Which personality type is the hardest for you to sell to?” That’s

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A Sales Down Day

By Bill Farquharson, Sales Vault. Read Bill’s tip below or watch Bill here. Good morning! There are a few dates on the yearly calendar where sales takes

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Hearing Sales Voices

By Bill Farquharson, Sales Vault. Read Bill’s tip below or watch Bill here. Good morning! I need to admit something: I am hearing voices. This is not

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