Imagine AI Live


8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Event Type

Transform Your Impact in One Day with AI. Imagine AI Live is the first immersive event for enterprise leaders to learn about “applied AI” in all areas of business.

20% off for PGCA members with code WARRENAI
More information:
Register here: Tickets — IMAGINE AI LIVE

Imagine AI Live was created by a team of enterprise technology veterans, AI industry leaders, and entrepreneurs who care about the future of AI and its role in enterprises. Our experience spans enterprise software, creative design, engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and advertising. And we know how to produce industry events that matter to attendees. We invite you to join in person at the world’s first immersive event on enterprise AI.

What Makes Imagine AI Live Different than Other Events?

1. Real-world Applications for Enterprises and Organizations

2. Unbiased Insights

3. Interactive Experience

4. Fast-Tracked Learning

5. Future Inspired Venue at Cornell Tech, Roosevelt Island, NY

The “Secret Ingredient” of Imagine AI Live: In-Person, Human Connections

1. Beyond a Conference: a Connection Event

Continuous Networking

The conference is designed to foster connections around the clock, with networking opportunities embedded in every aspect of the event, from sessions and workshops to meals and receptions. Attendees can forge meaningful relationships anytime, whether during a coffee break or a late-night chat at the reception.

Spontaneous Connections

The informal and relaxed environment encourages spontaneous connections, where a casual conversation can lead to a life-changing collaboration or partnership.

2. An Immersive Experience

Stay, Learn, and Create

The all-encompassing experience at our venues ensures that attendees have a space where they can stay, learn, and create without the need to step out of the property, fostering a close-knit community vibe and encouraging continuous interaction and collaboration.

Collaborative Spaces

The venue will feature collaborative spaces where attendees can brainstorm, ideate, and work on projects, fostering a spirit of collaboration and mutual growth.

3. Life-Changing Connections

Potential for Transformation

The conference operates on the belief that one connection can change an individual’s career or life trajectory. Bringing together a diverse group creates a fertile ground for such transformative relationships.

Meet the Mentors

Seasoned professionals, industry leaders, and AI creators will be present to guide and mentor the attendees, offering a golden opportunity to learn from the best and to forge connections that can potentially lead to mentorship relationships.

4. A Celebration of the Human Element

Enjoyment and Recreation

Beyond learning and networking, the event is also a space for enjoyment and recreation, with opportunities to unwind and enjoy the company of fellow attendees in a picturesque and luxurious setting.

Creative Freedom

The conference encourages attendees to let their creative juices flow, offering spaces and opportunities for creative expression and exploration, fostering a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere where ideas can flourish.

20% off for PGCA members with code WARRENAI
More information:
Register here: Tickets — IMAGINE AI LIVE

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