By Bill Farquharson, Sales Vault. Read Bill’s tip below or watch Bill here.
Good morning!
Imagine you are putting a bid in on a house. It’s just a number, right?
But in response to your offer, the homeowner comes back and says something unusual:
“My house is special. I am interested in knowing its future. You are one of two parties I am considering. Your bids are virtually equal. But I have one question for the both of you and depending on the answer, I will make my decision. My question is, “What 3 changes will you make to the house if you are awarded the bid?”
As the new homeowner, you are coming in with a fresh pair of eyes. Some of the changes are upgrades while others are just personal preference. But you will undoubtedly do things differently.
Take the same thinking to sales and, in particular, working to gain a new account.
Imagine approaching a prospect’s bid by adding, “Here is my price. Should you decide to make a switch and bring me in, you can expect:
1. I will question assumptions
2. I will look at everything with new eyes and a fresh perspective
3. The result will be innovation; a new look from top to bottom and a better way of doing things. You don’t know what you don’t know. Let’s find out together.”
Differentiation can take on many different forms. Don’t just throw a number at someone. Give them a better reason to look your way.
Changing vendors is scary, but there is an upside, too. Complacency is the enemy of innovation. Remind your prospects of that.
And speaking of fresh looks, have a look at The Sales Vault at or call Bill Farquharson at 781-934-7036.