Power of the Printed Word Luncheon (and Meet the Staff!)

Power of the Printed Word Luncheon (and Meet the Staff!)


12:00 pm - 1:30 pm


Bookings closed


636 N French Rd Ste 1, Amherst, NY, 14228

Event Type

Stop by the PGCA office on July 18, 2024 for lunch and learn about the “Power of the Printed Word” program being sponsored by the Print & Graphic Communications Association (PGCA) and the Bill of Rights Institute (BRI).

The Power of the Printed Word program is a voluntary effort to provide printed pocket Constitutions to junior and senior high school students across the United States.

The pocket Constitution publications contain the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the United States Constitution.  Inspire young minds!  Donate to print the pocket Constitutions for high school students!  Read more about this project here.

The Bill of Rights Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit and provides civics education that helps students examine the story of our country and exercise the skills of citizenship.

Stop by the PGCA office and learn how you can help support the Power of the Printed word program!  Meet Justin Goldstein, Director, Corporate Relations, Bill of Rights Institute, Melissa Jones and Tim Freeman, PGCA Co-Presidents.


Bookings are closed for this event.