
New Webinar on Responding to the Coronavirus

“Responding to the Coronavirus: An Employer’s Guide” Webinar
Friday March 13, 2020 | 2:00 pm

The spread of coronavirus has created anxiety and economic repercussion across the country. Many companies are scrambling to develop plans and policies to address issues that, before this development, were not even thought about.

“Responding to the Coronavirus: An Employer’s Guide” will assist participants in recognizing and managing key issues including:

  • Current Recommendations for Employer Actions
  • Legal Obligations (FMLA, ADA, etc.)
  • Establishing Appropriate Policies
  • Issues Relating to Working from Home
  • Responding to Ill Employees
  • Building Your Response Plan
  • Communication Plans
  • Business Continuity Planning

Sponsored By:   Print & Graphic Communications Association

Presented By:    Nicholas J. Fiorenza, Association Counsel

This webinar is being made available by Ferrara Fiorenza PC and Print & Graphic Communications Association to help participating companies understand relevant issues regarding the coronavirus pandemic and plan their efforts to safeguard their workforce and business.

There is no charge to attend the program, but participants must register to obtain access to the program and webinar materials. Click here to register online.

Tim Freeman
Print & Graphic Communications Association
(800) 777-4742
