
A Sales Resolution Reset

By Bill Farquharson, Sales Vault. Read Bill’s tip below or watch Bill here.

Good morning!

We are halfway through the month of January. By now, one in three of you/us has given up on their New Year’s resolutions. By the end of the month, that number will have jumped to 43%.

While there are many reasons why we fail to honor the promises we made ourselves, I have to believe, based on my many years as both a salesperson, a sales coach slash trainer, and a fellow resolutions dash breaker, the biggest reason comes down to one word…

Accountability. Or maybe I should say, lack of accountability.

If you are in that 33% who has already called it quits, reset.

If you are struggling to maintain your momentum, rethink.

You are one simple addition away from getting and staying back on track. All you need is an accountability buddy.

Imagine sending out an email at the end of the day with a list of three things you will accomplish the next day. Or maybe that email reports on the number of calls you made along with your stated (read: Resolution) goal. The mere fact that you are consistently checking in with another person dramatically increases your chances of being one of the only 9% (A number I think is 8 points too high!) who make keep their promises through the entire year.

So, here’s the task:

Step One—Find an accountability buddy;

Step Two—Decide what you will ask that person to hold you to;

Step Three—Set a daily alarm on your cell phone for 4:30pm;

Step Four—At 4:30pm, report in.

That’s it. Wicked simple, right?

Just like any change in routine, this will take time to become a habit. The trick is to act immediately once the alarm goes off. If you miss a day, no worries. That daily reminder will get your going again.

Not to mention that “WHAT THE HECK???” email you’ll get from your new buddy.


Don’t overthink sales. Success has come to others and you can learn from them through the ideas within The Sales Vault. Join today at or call Bill Farquharson at 781-934-7036.


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